Craig Mills
Director, Land & Carbon Lab at World Resources Institute.
On the agenda
Effective Institutions for Affecting Change
May. 16 '24, 01:15pm
The Forum20th-century institutions were not built to create, manage, or share the data needed to cooperate on the global challenges we face in the 21st century. Both public and commercial institutions face limits in consolidating and harmonizing data at a global scale in a manner that is actionable, trustworthy, technically proficient, and durable. This panel will explore what institutions are needed to produce and maintain global data products and whether a new sort of institution is needed.
Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains
May. 17 '24, 10:15am
The South HubAs agriculture continues to be a leading driver of global deforestation, we are seeing a shift from voluntary company commitments to mandatory regulatory compliance to remove deforestation from supply chains. The landmark European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) is currently spurring activity across the sector. How can we use this moment as an opportunity to improve sustainable sourcing and forest conservation? EO and geospatial data have a huge role to play in solving this complex challenge. We will discuss the current state of work in this space and the remaining gaps to be filled, as the community works towards feeding the planet without destroying the planet.